O.K., I'm sure that most of you hate Pokemon, right? (cricket noises) -_- Well, no matter, because I'm saying this anyway. If you want to make some more money, go to route 222. Go into the house at the left, the one with the sign that says, "PIKACHU Fan Club Pikapikapikah! Pikapika?" Go into that house. Talk to the "pikachu" right next to the TV. You'll notice that it's the only one that doesn't move. Talk to it, and you'll get into a battle. And unless you have REALLY cruddy pokemon, you should beat her easily. EXTRA MONEY! YAY!
P.S. I think you have to beat the Elite Four first. I dunno.
I hate pokemon. I only play it when I'm bored.
You are a sick, sick person. :'( See? You made pikachu cry. Yer mean.