Hello. I draw things. Please ignore my older submissions, I was young. i was so young, so stupid

Kayla @JabberWocky

Age 27, Female



Probably inside

Joined on 4/21/08

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Posted by JabberWocky - September 11th, 2009

Jeff Hardy got arrested today. My freakin' hero got arrested today. *sigh* First 9/11, then the geography test today(*shudder*), and now this. Today is a day of tragedies. I'll post the article later when it loads up.
EDIT: Okay, it finally loaded up, and...OH DEAR GOD, NO! He looks so evil...but then again, I would too if I had to get a mugshot. *sigh* Anyway, here's the story...

"Professional wrestler Jeff Hardy is in the Moore County jail Friday after being arrested on charges of trafficking in controlled prescription pills and possession of anabolic steriods.
Hardy, 32, of 265 Boys Camp Road,%u2008Cameron, was arrested after a search of his residence yielded 262 Vicodin prescription pills, 180 Soma prescription pills, 555 milliliters of anabolic steroids, a residual amount of powder cocaine and items of drug paraphernalia, according to a press release.
A joint investigation conducted by officers with the Moore County Sheriff's Office narcotics and select enforcement units and the Fayetteville Police Department led to the arrest.
Vicodin and anabolic steriods are Schedule III substances, while Soma is a non-controlled prescription pill.
Hardy and his brother, Matt, wrestling as the Hardy Boyz, were six-time World Wrestling Entertainment World Tag Team Champion. Individually, Jeff Hardy held the WWE World Champion belt one time and the World Heavyweight Championship twice.
Hardy was charged with felony trafficking in opium, two counts of felony possession with intent to sell or deliver a Schedule III controlled substance, felony maintaining a dwelling to keep controlled substance, felony possession of cocaine and misdemeanor possession of drug paraphernalia.
His bail was set at $125,000."
And here's his photo. I don't think I can watch SmackDown! anymore...
EDIT: Okay, if anyone from the WWE club is reading this, please listen. *ahem* STFU, PLEASE. IT'S NOT LIKE YOU GUYS ARE STRAIGHT-EDGE LIKE YOUR BOYFRIEND CM PUNK. AND HE IS STILL A GOOD ROLE MODEL. YOU GUYS ARE FOCUSING ON THE MISTAKES HE MADE, NOT THE GOOD THINGS HE DID. Okay, that's off my chest. And I don't care if you think I was being preachy, it just had to be said.
OH GOD ANOTHER EDIT: I'm disappointed in Jeff too, but I don't say he's the most evil, vile, despicable person on Earth. And I'm not just saying this because I'm a fangirl. Seriously, I'm not.
OH GOD WHEN WILL THESE EDITS END: Ah well. At least I know his address now. <_< >_>



Oh wow...shit. This is as bad as the incident with Chris Benoit. I thought he was taking time off. I guess he got suspended for drugs. Poor Jeff, I'm going to miss him in the WWE. Now all I have is CM punk and he looks like....well a punk. that and John morrison, but Jeff was awesome, it can't be the hardys with just Matt. Now I have to look up the smackdown roster and see if anyone in there could possibly be as cool as Hardy. At least we have Undertaker back though.

*sigh* I know, right? I watched SmackDown! yesterday, and saw the main event(Punk vs Matt), and wanted to punch somebody in the face. And I blame Punk for this. If he hadn't made that match(it was a storyline match, Jeff actually would have come back eventually), then this wouldn't have happened. Jeff wouldn't have enough time to get those drugs.
Once again, cops, if you are reading this, CHARGE HIM FOR POSSESSION, NOT DISTRIBUTION.

I just learned that Jeff hardy was leaving for real, so his fans wouldn't get dissapointed that he left, the match was set up. He wanted to pursue a reality TV show.

linkity <a href="http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sports_blog/2009/09/jeff-hardy-arrested-wwe.html">http://latimesblogs.latimes.com/sport s_blog/2009/09/jeff-hardy-arrested-ww e.html</a>

That fucknig sucks.

"He is being held on $125,000 bond in the Moore County Detention Center."
Well, at least it's a detention center, not a jail. *sigh* How can I be cracking unfunny jokes at a time like this?! You're right, it does suck.

lol steroids.

Yes. I searched up anabolic steroids on wikipedia, and...ugh. For Christ's sake, Jeff! That's disgusting!

Bitch, you're eleven.

Awww, I love you too, Qwazal. Here's a poem I wrote JUST FOR YOU!
Wasn't it lovely?