
175 Movie Reviews

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Lyrics for the banana song

Charlie, you look so down, with your big fat eyes and your big fat frown! The world doesn't have to be so grey! Charlie, when your life's a mess, when your feeling down or are in distress, I know what can wash that sad awaay! All you have to do is put a banana in your ear! A banana in my ear?! Put a ripe banana right in your favorite ear! It's true! Says who? So true! Once it's in your gloom will disappear! All the bad in the world is hard to hear when it's in your ear! So go and put a banana in your ear! Put a banana in your ear! I'd rather keep my ear clear! You'll never be happy if you live your life in fear! It's true! Says you! So true! When it's in the skies are bright and clear! Oh every day of every year the sun shines bright on this big blue sphere so go put a banana in your ear!


For some reason, unicorn videos are the bestest!! I'm putting all the Charlie the Unicorn videos on my favorites!!


Even tho I love pikachu and i'm kind of offended by this, it's SO FUNNY!

Lyrics(doesn't include the beginning)

Yo! My mom, she gave me a dollar, she told me to buy a collar. But I ain't buy no collar. Instead I bought some bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Yo, my mom, she gave me a quarter. She told me to tip the porter. But I ain't tip no porter. Instead I bought some bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Yo my mom, she gave me a dime, she told me to buy a lime, but I ain't buy lime. Instead I bought some bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Yo my mom, she gave me a nickel, she told me to buy a pickle. But I ain't buy no pickle! Instead I bought some bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum. Bazooka zooka! Bubblegum!
Awesome flash. :P

What did Hidan say?

Oh well. '_' AWESOME FLASH!!!

Why is it rated teen?

It doesn't have anything bad, just...Ewwww.....Orochimaru....You really let yourself go!!

I laughed.

I laughed. It was kinda funny when the boy was playing with that thing. Kinda cute at the same time tough. Good movie overall.

All my 5 r belong 2 u.

How r u gentleman. All my 5 r belong 2 u. U r on the way to getting an award. U hav great movie make ur time. =3
Wock, out!


I mean, I prefer the original waayyy more than this, but when I'm in the right mood(while I'm bored waiting for my games to charge up), I love to watch this. Make more things like this!! I'M COUNTING ON YOU!!


Funny AND helpful. Thanks.

Sidorio responds:

Funny? This is, like, my only submission without masturbation jokes.

Hello. I draw things. Please ignore my older submissions, I was young. i was so young, so stupid

Kayla @JabberWocky

Age 27, Female



Probably inside

Joined on 4/21/08

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